Steele Symposium 2018

Steele Symposium 2018
An annual celebration of our students’ scholarship
Friday, May 11, 2018 12:30 – 6:00 p.m. Clayton Hall on UD’s Laird Campus 100 David Hollowell Dr.
The Steele Symposium is coordinated by the College of Education and Human Development and includes presentations by undergraduate and graduate students from the School of Education and the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences.
The Symposium is a great opportunity for students to showcase their work for classes, research projects or toward their graduate degree. Students may elect to present papers or posters.
In recognition of the symposium’s roots in home economics and family and consumer sciences, students from the Fashion and Apparel Studies department and in the majors of Applied Nutrition, Dietetics, Nutritional Sciences and Nutrition are warmly invited to participate. In addition, faculty of the departments, as well as guests and community members, are enthusiastically welcome to attend and hear the student presentations.
This Symposium is made possible by the generous donation by the Steele Family.
Taylor Ryan
Taylor Ryan, a master’s student in Human Development and Family Sciences presented her research “Opening the Gates: Universities and Suicide Prevention.”
Daniela Avelar
Daniela Avelar, a Ph.D student in the School of Education, presented “Emotional Benefits of Parent-Child Book Reading” about the benefits of reading to a child.
Kate Cottle
Kate Cottle, an Ed.D student in Educational Leadership, presented “Effective MUGs: Grammar Instruction for Basic Writers”.
Marcia Shirilla
Marcia Shirilla, a Ph.D student in the School of Education, presents “The Gamified Life” about the benefits of learning through play.
Caroline Morano
Caroline Morano presented her research “What Makes A Shape A Shape? A Study Of Children’s Questions.”
Steele Symposium Schedule
1:00-2:00pm: CEHDTalks (New presentation format)
Daniela Avelar, Ph.D. in Education student Emotional Benefits of Parent-Child Book Reading Kate Cottle, Ed.D. in Educational Leadership student Effective MUGs: Grammar Instruction for Basic Writers Caroline Morano, Ph.D. in Education student What makes a shape a shape? A study of children’s questions Taylor Ryan, M.S. in Human Development and Family Sciences student Opening the Gates: Universities and Suicide Prevention Marcia Shirilla, Ph.D. in Education student The Gamified Life
2:10-2:30pm: Session 1
Kelly Curtis, Ph.D. in Education student Room 110 Positioning Students for Success: How to Promote Students as Mathematicians Andrea Drewes, Ph.D. in Education student Room 121 Science Teacher Identity for Teaching Climate Change: Exploring Lived Experiences and Identity Construction Juana Gaviria-Loaiza, Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Sciences student Room 122, AC Maternal Depression and Child-Directed Speech During Play: Influences on Toddler’s Communication Abilities and Socioemotional Competence Rachel Salinger, Ph.D. in Education student Room 123, AC Effects of Teachers’ Backgrounds and Perspectives of Disability Stigma on Efforts to Address Stigma in the Classroom Hui Yang, Ph.D. in Education student Room 124, AC Understanding Computational Thinking Outside the Classroom: Capturing Learning Vignettes in a Public Library Programming Club
2:40-3:00pm: Session 2
Hye Jung Choi, Ph.D. in Education student Room 121 Korean American Students’ Contradiction between Preconceived Perceptions and Lived Experiences of Community Colleges Joseph DiNapoli, Ph.D. in Education student Room 124, AC Supporting Secondary Students’ Perseverance at Moments of Impasse during Mathematical Problem-Solving Kaysa Lammers, Senior Human Services major Room 123, AC Homeschooling Regulations Required for Children’s Rights John Strong, Ph.D. in Education student Room 110 Measuring Text Structure Awareness in Upper Elementary Grades Kati Tilley, Ph.D. in Education student Room 122, AC Program Evaluation: Research for Schools’ Instrument Development
3:10-3:30pm: Session 3
Justin Coger, Ph.D. in Economic Education student Room 121, AC Canonical Neoclassical Macroeconomic Growth Models with Carbon Emissions: A Ramsey Model Thomas Gamel-McCormick, M.S. in Human Development & Family Sciences student Room 123 Father-Child Attachment and Early Vocabulary Acquisition Angela Harris, Ph.D. in Education student Room 110 Students’ Perceptions of Engagement, Bullying Victimization, and School Climate: Does Being Retained One or More Times Make a Difference? Andrew Hurwitz, Ph.D. in Education student Room 122 Bayesian and Frequentist Statistics: A Novel Conceptual Framework Laura Willoughby, Ph.D. in Education student Room 124 Examining High School Students’ Situational Interest in Mathematical Tasks
3:40-4:00pm: Session 4
Marisa Kofke, Ph.D. in Education student Room 110, AC Including Disability Studies in Education content in teacher education courses: A collaborative self-study Sohee Park, Ph.D. in Education student Room 122 The Theoretical Landscape of Qualitative Research on Multimodal Composition in K-12 Settings Chanelle Wilson-Poe, Ed.D. in Educational Leadership student Room 121, AC Can We Talk?: Using inquiry as a tool for development of racial literacy skills for teacher candidates Jordana Woodford, Ph.D. in Education student Room 123 A cultural lens on parent engagement: Explanatory sequential design on parent involvement in low income schools Xiaoxue ‘Vera’ Zhang, Ph.D. in Education student Room 124 Development and Validation of a Longitudinal Survey Instrument to Measure Math Engagement and Learning Environment in High School Classrooms
4:10-4:30pm: Session 5
Amanda Czik, Ph.D. in Education student Room 110, AC Role of Language Status in Predicting Parent Ratings of School Engagement Tony Mixell, Ph.D. in Education student Room 124 Investigating Group Problem Posing for Secondary Students in a Linear Functions-Based Intervention Meng Fan and Yanmiao Xie, Ph.D. in Education students Room 122, AC Impact of Short-Term Study Abroad Program on Intercultural Competence: A Mixed Methods Investigation Kaysa Lammers, Senior Human Services major Room 123, AC Dynamic Coparenting Process: An Alternate Hypothesis of Maternal Gatekeeping Yi-Cheng Pan, Ed.D. in Educational Leadership student Room 121 Building and Assessing Computational Thinking Among Young Learners: A Think-Alouds Approach
4:40-5:00pm: Session 6
Laura Ahlstrom, Ph.D. in Economic Education student Room 121 Completing an Economics Degree: The Role of Gender, Grades, and Initial Major Selection Felicia Hurwitz, Ph.D. in Education student Room 122 Understanding the impacts of household composition on early language development Jenifer Hummer, Ph.D. in Education student Room 124 Addressing Misconceptions in Secondary Geometry Proof Dana Morrison Simone, Ph.D. in Education student Room 123, AC Sites of Liberatory Praxis: An Exploration of Educators’ Participation in Grassroots Organizations
5:00-6:00pm: Poster Session and Reception (Awards at 5:30), Lobby
Nicholas Bell, Ph.D. in Education student Preparing preservice teachers to recognize and challenge inequities in schools Diane Codding, Ph.D. in Education student AC The Misalignment of Public Perception and Personal Experience in a “Bad” School Brianna Devlin, Ph.D. in Education student Group Differences in First Graders’ Arithmetic Strategy Use: The Effect of Income Status Yueyue Fan, Ph.D. in Education student An Evaluation Study on Cross-institutional Undergraduate Research Internship Experiences for Underrepresented Students Sara Gartland, Ph.D. in Education student Student Voice and Perceptions When Learning in the Context of Community Curtis Line, Ed.D. in Educational Leadership student The Effects of Supplemental Instruction on Student Success at Delaware Technical Community College Kathleen McCallops, Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Sciences student AC The Relationship Between Bullying, Suicide, and Youth Homelessness: The Role of Parent Support as a Moderator Annastasia Purinton, Ph.D. in Education student AC Understanding the Instructional Choices of Elementary ESL Teachers Sarah Fredrick, Senior, Communication major AC Kerry Pini, Senior, Human Services and Cognitive Science major Rebekah Schrier, Junior, Human Services major Familial influence on the college-going of Black and Latino boys: A systematic review of the literature Pragya Shrestha, Ph.D. in Education student Weekly International Tea Hour, a Culturally Inclusive Event for an Eastern University’s Student Community. Rui Wang, Ph.D. in Education student Impact of Monetary Incentives on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Customers Colleen Yerger, Junior, Cognitive Science major Overcoming the Video Deficit: Can Toddlers Learn Words from Watching Videos of Their Parents?
AC: Award Consideration. The student has submitted their paper or poster for award consideration.