Spencer grant to improve assessment of students’ writing skills
October 20, 2017
Josh Wilson’s Spencer Grant will allow him to expand his research to develop a new computerized formative assessment model that identifies student language skills at the word, sentence, and discourse level through automated evaluations of the essay’s word choice, syntax, and cohesion. He will examine results across multiple genres of student …
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NIH grant will study of stigma surrounding drug use
October 20, 2017
Valerie Earnshaw, UD’s CEHD Faculty Scholar, received a 4-year Mentored Research Scientist Development Award from the NIH to examine longitudinal associations between disclosure, stigma, social support, and SUD recovery-related outcomes among people receiving SUD treatment.
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Improving ELA instruction in DE classrooms
August 30, 2017
Literacy professors Josh Wilson and Charles MacArthur received an IES grant to study the effect PEG Writing software has on nearly 3,000 students from Red Clay School District in grades 3-5. The grant partners them with Gaysha Beard, supervisor of Red Clay’s English language arts (ELA).
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Bullying’s long term effects
May 9, 2017
Being kicked or shoved intentionally by a schoolmate, being hurt by constant taunting — such instances of aggression, which psychologists refer to as “peer victimization” — can have lasting, harmful impacts. A new study led by the University of Delaware and involving researchers from universities and hospitals in six states …
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Bookworms improves literacy outcomes in Cecil County
April 7, 2017
Bookworms curriculum introduced into Cecil County Public Schools UD professor Sharon Walpole and her colleague, Michael McKenna* developed Bookworms in response to the increased reading and writing expectations in the Common Core State Standards. Bookworms is a free, online, open-source database of reading lesson plans and resources for elementary school teachers …
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Assessing effectiveness of PEG Writing software
March 7, 2017
Imagine an elementary classroom where students could write an essay on their computer and receive instant feedback on its organization, word choice and accuracy. They would then be able to correct errors, make revisions and resubmit their essays, allowing their teacher to focus on developing their critical thinking and higher-level writing skills. …
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Fulbright Scholar addressing food insecurity
February 20, 2017
Fulbright scholar Allison Karpyn is currently in the Bahamas analyzing the issue of food insecurity at a national level. Food insecurity is a particularly critical issue for island nations like the Bahamas that do not produce the majority of their food. “Obesity and hunger are two sides of the same …
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Evaluating Ed.D.’s ELP Capstone
January 30, 2017
UD researchers look at value of doctor of education capstone process In education leadership programs across the country, doctor of education (Ed.D.) candidates are tasked with identifying a significant educational problem or challenge facing the organization in which they work. They then propose and test strategies to address the issue …
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Connecting farm to table to healthy eating
January 10, 2017
An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Delaware partnered with the Delaware Department of Agriculture to develop a comprehensive report called Delaware Food and Farm Report: Connecting Healthy Farms to Healthy Delawareans. This report, released in December 2016, reflects conversations with more than 45 local stakeholders, representing leadership from …
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QUILS language screener for young children
December 8, 2016
Researchers in education, psychology and speech pathology have collaborated to develop a computerized language screener to help early childhood educators and specialists identify areas where young children are experiencing difficulties mastering language. Too many children with language issues are not identified until they reach five years of age. Through funding from the …
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Advocating for survivors of abuse
December 8, 2016
Olivia Blythe, a human services and women & gender studies major, wants to make a career advocating for survivors of domestic abuse. When she learned that faculty member Ruth Fleury-Steiner was looking for assistance evaluating the protection order process in domestic abuse cases, Blythe jumped at the chance.
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Writing instruction intervention for community colleges
August 10, 2016
UD researchers have created an instructional intervention that provides community college students the tools to significantly improve their writing skills.
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