In Memoriam: Dr. Staci Perlman
Staci Perlman, assistant professor of human development and family studies at the University of Delaware, with a joint appointment in UD’s Delaware Education and Research Development Center (DERDC), passed away on Aug. 12, after a brief illness.
UD will hold a memorial service for Dr. Perlman on September 18 at 4:00 p.m. in the Gallery in Perkins Student Center. Speakers will include University of Pennsylvania professor John Fantuzzo, Vice President of Policy at People’s Emergency Center Joe Willard, HDFS faculty members Julie Wilgen and Mellissa Gordon, director of DERDC Joan Buttram and HDFS doctoral student Sara Shaw. A brief reception will be held immediately following the presentations.
“Staci was a genuinely nice person,” said Lynn Okagaki, interim deputy provost for academic affairs. “She was quiet, with a gentle demeanor, but there was always a sparkle of humor about her. She had a sharp mind and was deeply passionate about helping children and families struggling with homelessness. She would actively engage her students and colleagues, confident that by educating us, she could change the negative attitudes that impacted this vulnerable population.”
A dedicated scholar, Dr. Perlman had been evaluating the development of a process for connecting young children involved with Philadelphia’s child welfare system to early education, and increasing the utilization of assistive technology by young children with disabilities.
A service was held in Philadelphia for Dr. Perlman on Sunday, Aug. 16, at Rodeph Shalom, 615 Broad St.
UD students who need support are encouraged to contact UD’s Center for Counseling and Student Development (CCSD), located in Perkins Student Center.
Staci’s family is establishing a fund benefiting her son Matthew. Checks can be sent to Matthew’s father: David Perlman, 801 A. 47th St., Apt. 104, Philadelphia, PA 19143.
For more information about her important work, and reflections from colleagues, see UDaily.
Additional tributes to Dr. Perlman were shared by:
- Administration for Children and Families
- People’s Emergency Center (PEC)
- Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania
Copies of her most recent work can be found here: