Giving Tuesday 2022

On GivingTuesday, a global initiative dedicated to giving back, join the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) community in supporting Teachers of Tomorrow, Bundle Up Baby and Dean’s Diversity in Education Scholarship. Your support will also advance Delaware First: The Campaign for the University of Delaware.
CEHD appreciates your gifts to these important initiatives, as they will enhance the Blue Hen experience for our current and prospective students at the College, and beyond.
Support Teachers of Tomorrow, Bundle Up Baby and Dean’s Diversity in Education Scholarship to make a difference for the CEHD community today!

CEHD Dean’s Diversity in Education Scholarship
Help Sustain the Teachers of Tomorrow Program
The Teachers of Tomorrow Program, in the College of Education & Human Development, strives to diversify and prepare the next generation of educators. The program offers rising high school juniors and seniors from underrepresented backgrounds an introduction to the field of education. The two-week, on-campus program in June helps to prepare these students interested in becoming teachers by providing them with the skills necessary to pursue a degree in education. Participants are guided through the college application process, engage with their peers and receive leadership development training.
New Directions Early Head Start: Bundle Up Baby
New Directions Early Head Start is a diverse group of non-profit community agencies that provide direct services to empower and support low-income pregnant women, infants, toddlers and their families in the New Castle and Kent Counties. Please join us this year in bringing smiles to the faces of over 200 children enrolled in our program by participating in our annual Coat Drive! We are collecting cold weather gear, such as coats, hats, mittens, car seat covers and blankets, to keep the young ones enrolled in our program warm this winter.