Giving Tuesday 2021

UD Montessori Teacher Residency: Changing the Face of Education
The UD Montessori Teacher Residency program prepares teachers for the expansion of Montessori in the diverse publlic sector with both school-wide and practice-based learning. A core component of the Teacher Residency is learning to use the specially developed didactic materials to support children’s learning. The estimated cost to outfit our training rooms is $25,000 each for the primary and the elementary program. Funding will help us with the one-time investment in these materials. It is our goal to outfit practice rooms with a full complement of Montessori materials for our residents.
New Directions Early Head Start: Bundle Up Baby
New Directions Early Head Start is a diverse group of non-profit community agencies that provide direct services to empower and support low-income pregnant women, infants, toddlers and their families in the New Castle and Kent Counties. Please join us this year in bringing smiles to the faces of over 200 children enrolled in our program by participating in our annual Coat Drive! We are collecting cold weather gear, such as coats, hats, mittens, car seat covers and blankets, to keep the young ones enrolled in our program warm this winter.