- Email: sdeltufo@udel.edu
- Office: 122 Willard Hall
- Phone: 302-831-8125
- Fax: 302-831-4110
Curriculum Vitae
View CVStephanie Del Tufo
Assistant Professor
Stephanie N. Del Tufo, Ph.D. is an assistant professor in the School of Education and the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Graduate Program at the University of Delaware. Her research focuses on understanding the neurocognitive basis of individual differences in learning, language, and literacy. Her inclusive teaching philosophy is a natural extension of her general commitment to individualized learning, equity, and inclusiveness. To explore literacy across the lifespan, Dr. Del Tufo studies the developing brain in children through longitudinal research, the mature adult brain, and the aging brain. She also considers biological and contextual factors, such as the socioeconomic environment in which a child grows up.
Dr. Del Tufo’s published research appears in scientific journals, such as Science, Neuron, Cerebral Cortex, Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Learning Disabilities, and Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. She leads the Developmental and Aging Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of Delaware.
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Psychological Sciences, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 2016
- M.A., Psychology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 2015
- B.A., Neuroscience and Chemistry, Smith College, Northampton, MA, 2008
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor, School of Education, University of Delaware, 2019–present
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Peabody College of Education and Vanderbilt Brain Institute, Nashville, TN, 2016–2019
- Graduate Research Assistant, Haskins Laboratories at the Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, 2011–2016
- Technical Research Assistant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2008–2011
Recent Grants
- Del Tufo (PI), Cutting (Co-I) Neurobiology of Reading Compensation National Institute of Health, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R03 HD104051), awarded 2021–2023.
- Del Tufo, S. (PI), Demos, A. (Co-PI), de Novais, J. (Consultant) The Intersection of Racial Equity and Time-Series Methods. Spencer Foundation Conference Grant, 2021–2023.
- Cutting, L. (PI), Del Tufo, S. (Co-I). Early Academic Achievement and Intervention Response: Role of Executive Function. National Institute of Health, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R37 HD095519), 2019–2028.
Recent Professional Awards
- Isabelle Y. Liberman Award, University of Connecticut, 2016
- David Zeaman Memorial Award, University of Connecticut, 2016