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Curriculum Vitae
View CVRosalie Rolón-Dow
Associate Professor
Rosalie Rolón-Dow is an associate professor in the School of Education at the University of Delaware. She approaches research from an anthropological perspective and focuses on how race and other sociocultural identities shape educational experiences. Her research primarily focuses on the experiences of racially minoritized students and engages critical race frameworks to address educational problems. With the support of a Spencer Foundation grant, she studied how microaggression and microaffirmation experiences impact racially minoritized university students and the ways they navigate predominantly white universities. In teacher education, she explores how teacher education programs can center racial literacy pedagogies and curriculum and investigates how pre-service teachers respond to racial literacy instruction.
Dr. Rolón-Dow’s recent work has been published in journals such as Race, Ethnicity and Education, The International Journal for Qualitative Studies in Education, Multicultural Perspectives, and The Centro Journal. Along with Dr. Jason Irizarry, she co-edited a book titled, Diaspora Studies in Education: Towards a Framework for Understanding the Experiences of Transnational Communities.
Dr. Rolón-Dow brings expertise on qualitative methods to her research and engages in collaborative projects with faculty, staff or students. She teaches courses on race, culture and education; urban education and qualitative research methods.
Prior to receiving her Ph.D., Dr. Rolón-Dow taught K-5 students in bilingual classrooms in Pennsylvania.