- Email: garrityn@udel.edu
- Office: 213E Willard Hall Education Building
Curriculum Vitae
View CVNicole W. Garrity
Assistant Professor
Dr. Nicole W. Garrity is an assistant professor specializing in school psychology in the School of Education at the University of Delaware. Dr. Garrity is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) and she obtained her Ed.D. in School Psychology from Loyola University Chicago.
Dr. Garrity’s goals are to train and empower future and current school psychologist practitioners to use a comprehensive practice model with an emphasis on leadership and advocacy. Through her teaching and service at UD, she aims to promote the celebration and inclusion of diversity through school psychologists’ cultural competence and systems change for social justice. Ultimately, she hopes to enable school psychologists to provide equitable, inclusive and accessible academic and social-emotional and behavioral health services and support to all children, youth, families and communities. In addition, Dr. Garrity is interested in developing and advocating for innovative solutions to address local and national school psychology shortages across the profession.
Dr. Garrity began her career in school psychology as a practitioner in public schools in various states (Pennsylvania, California, and Delaware). In her school-based practice, she had the privilege of working with preschool, elementary, middle, high school and post-high school students and their families and communities. Her primary focus was on supporting students with disabilities, particularly students with autism, and she fulfilled many capacities such as assessment, intervention and consultation.
Later, she became a training coach for the Delaware Network for Excellence in Autism (DNEA) at CEHD’s Center for Disabilities Studies (CDS). During her time at the DNEA, Dr. Garitty collaborated in developing trainings and resources and she provided training, coaching and technical assistance to various professionals, stakeholders and organizations. Her work focused on teaching evidenced-based practices and neurodiversity-affirming supports to facilitate inclusion, equity and access for autistic individuals.
Dr. Garrity was also an adjunct associate professor and program coordinator within Wilmington University’s (WU) teacher preparation program. While at WU, she created and taught a variety of courses related to special education, provided training for the Alternative Routes to Certification program, participated as a member of the Faculty Senate and assisted the program chair with program accreditation and curricula development as well as adjunct instructor and student support.
Dr. Garrity is actively involved with the Delaware Association of School Psychologists and serves in a leadership role as Government and Professional Relations Committee Co-chair. She is a member of the Professional Growth Committee with the National Association of School Psychologists.
Educational Background
- Ed.D. School Psychology, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2024
- Ed.S. School Psychology, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, 2008
- M.Ed. Human Development, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, 2006
- B.A. Psychology with a minor in English, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 2005
Recent Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor, School of Education, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2024–present
- Training Coach, Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2022–2024
- Adjunct Program Coordinator, College of Education and Liberal Arts, Wilmington University, New Castle, DE, 2020–2024
- Adjunct Assistant/Associate Professor, College of Education and Liberal Arts, Wilmington University, New Castle, DE, 2017–2024
- School Psychologist, Cape Henlopen School District, Lewes, DE, 2012-2016
Recent Professional Awards
- Ed.D. School Psychology Student of the Year, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2024
- Scholarship Award, Trainers of Schools Psychologists, 2024