- Email: myaehan@udel.edu
- Office: 216 Alison Hall
- Phone: 302-831-8554
Curriculum Vitae
View CVMyae Han
Dr. Myae Han is a professor of early childhood education in the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences at the University of Delaware. Dr. Han’s research includes: 1) linking play and early literacy learning, 2) play-based curriculum and intervention, 3) professional development for early childhood teachers, and 4) culturally and linguistically diverse children.
Her research examined the relationship between play and early language/literacy development, the impact of play training on early childhood teachers, language development of dual language learners, etc. She has coedited two books, Play and Literacy, Play and Curriculum, and has written various articles in journals such as International Journal of Play, American Journal of Play, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Early Education and Development, Journal of Research in Childhood Education, Child and Youth Care Forum, etc.
She has co-directed various federal and state funded grant projects including three Early Reading First grants, Early Head Start University Partnership grant, Child Care Research Partnership grant, etc.
She is a recipient of the Doctor of Play Award (Lifetime achievement award) from the International Play Association USA (2024) and the Edgar Klugman Award for Leadership and Research in Play (2020) from the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) Play Policy Practice Forum. She also received the Excellence in Teaching Award (2023) from the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Delaware.
Professional and Community Service
Dr. Myae Han served as a past president of The Association for the Study of Play (TASP) (2013-2014), a past Chair of the Early Education/Child Development (EECD) SIG at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) (2020-2022), and a past president of the Literacy Development in Young Children (LDYC) SIG at the International Literacy Association (ILA) (2013-2017). She was the first Asian president in each of these leadership positions.
She is an Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Early Childhood Education and served as a reviewer for various academic journals (Early Education and Development, Journal of Research in Childhood Education, Journal of Literacy Research, among others.) and grant agencies (US Department of Health and Human Services, Lego Foundation).