- Email: gallofox@udel.edu
- Office: 207 Alison Hall
- Phone: 302-831-7370
Curriculum Vitae
View CVJennifer Gallo-Fox
Associate Professor
Dr. Gallo-Fox’s research focuses upon the development and study of programs designed to strengthen teacher learning and practice. She works to understand the ways that teachers learn and practice within their classroom contexts, and designs programs to leverage local resources that can increase teachers’ learning potential. Through her scholarship, she positions teachers as intellectuals—thoughtful, critical decision makers who utilize the theories and knowledge base of the field along with knowledge of children in order to shape and provide high quality education for all children.
Since arriving at UD, Dr. Gallo-Fox has developed teacher education research programs studying three areas: 1. Coteaching, a model for collaborative clinical field placements, 2. Developmentally appropriate early childhood curriculum and instruction, and 3. Early childhood science education. These programs interface through their connection to classroom practice in that they either work to support teacher development, or they examine interactions between teacher practice, context, and reform in order to inform teacher preparation.
Dr. Gallo-Fox’s scholarship is empirical and translational, speaking to academics, administrators, and practitioners. Through interdepartmental, interdisciplinary, engaged scholarship she brings together teacher educators, science content specialists, and master teachers in campus laboratory schools to address issues of the field and support teacher learning. She is funded through NSF and has published in the Journal of Teacher Education, Teaching and Teacher Education, Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, The Educational Forum, and Science and Children.
Dr. Gallo-Fox taught first and second grades prior to pursuing her PhD. In 2015, she received the Excellence in Teaching Award from University of Delaware, College of Education and Human Development.