Colloquium on Campus Open Expression

University of Pennsylvania Professor Sigal Ben-Porath will share research in colloquium series
Join the University of Delaware’s College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) for a colloquium with Sigal Ben-Porath, MRMJJ Presidential Professor in the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education, on Feb. 26, 2025, from 1:50 to 2:50 p.m. in room 205 of the Willard Hall Education Building.
Ben-Porath studies the ways institutions like schools and colleges can sustain and advance democracy. Her areas of expertise include philosophy of education and political philosophy. Ben-Porath’s books include Cancel Wars (2022), Making Up Our Mind: What School Choice is Really About (2019), Free Speech on Campus (2017) and Varieties of Sovereignty and Citizenship (2012), as well as Tough Choices: Structured Paternalism and the Landscape of Choice (2010) and Citizenship under Fire: Democratic Education in Times of Conflict (2006).
Her colloquium is titled “Campus Open Expression: The Current Ethical, Administrative, Political and Legal Landscape.”
Ben-Porath’s colloquium is part of a yearlong series hosted by CEHD’s School of Education. Speakers both internal and external to UD share their research and engage with faculty and students.
The colloquium is free and open to the public. Audience members are also welcome to participate in a discussion with the speaker following the colloquium.
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by Shelly Silva.