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Ying Xu, assistant professor at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education, will give a colloquium presentation on April 2, 2025, in room 205 of Willard Hall Education Building.

Harvard University’s Ying Xu will share research on using AI to foster children’s development

Join University of Delaware’s College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) for a colloquium with Ying Xu, assistant professor of education in Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education, from 1:50 to 2:50 p.m. on April 2, 2025, in room 205 of Willard Hall Education Building.

Xu’s research focuses on designing AI technologies that promote language and literacy development, STEM learning and wellbeing for children and families. Her current projects investigate the design and effectiveness of conversational AI technologies to serve as learning companions for children and how AI affects children’s social interactions and developmental processes. Her colloquium is titled “What Do We (Not) Know About AI and Child Development?”

Xu’s colloquium is part of a yearlong series hosted by CEHD’s School of Education. Speakers both internal and external to UD share their research and engage with faculty and students.

The colloquium is free and open to the public. Audience members are also welcome to participate in a discussion with the speaker following the colloquium.

To learn more, visit https://www.education.udel.edu/colloquium-series/.

Read this story on UDaily. 

by Shelly Silva.