CEHD Events in March
In March, CEHD is “lucky” to host several exciting events, including a play conference, a dine and donate event to benefit The College School, and the DATI inclusion conference.
Spread the Word to End the Word Day
Students at the University of Delaware and in schools and organizations across the country will be observing Spread the Word to End the Word Day on Wednesday, March 6. This campaign for respect and unity is an ongoing effort by Special Olympics and Best Buddies to raise the consciousness of society about the demeaning and hurtful effects of the word “retard(ed),” and to encourage people to pledge to stop using the R-word. Visit the Calendar of Events to see how UD student groups are observing the day and where you can pledge not to use the R-word.
Play Conference
UD will host a play conference on March 6-9. Dr. Myae Han is coordinating a joint meeting of the National Association on the Study of Play and The American Association for the Child’s Right to Play (IPA/USA). The theme is Play as a Pathway, and CEHD faculty, students and alumni will be presenting. The conference will take place at the Perkins Student Center and Embassy Suites in Newark.
Dine & Donate
The College School is hosting a fundraiser at Cucina De Napoli on March 11. Just drop in for lunch or dinner, mention TCS and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the school.
UD in DC Day
In March, Beth Mineo, director of the Center for Disabilities Studies, will represent CEHD at UD in DC Day, demonstrating her research on how Customized Pictures Connect Children With Their World. UD Day in DC is on March 14, from 5-7 p.m. UD Day in DC is a showcase that takes place inside the Capitol Hill office buildings. Invited guests include congressional staffers who work with Delaware’s delegation and on key committees like education, health, energy and armed services. DC-area alumni and staff from other agencies will also be in attendance.
DATI Inclusion Conference
The Center for Disabilities Studies is coordinating the Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative’s Inclusion Conference on March 14 at the Dover Sheraton Hotel. The theme of the conference is Shared Responsibilities = Shared Benefits. Those attending will include educators, parents, policymakers and service providers interested in promoting inclusion for children up to age 21.
The Freedom Project — Teaching American History
The Freedom Project – Teaching American History will host two lectures in March. The first is March 15, 2013, when Sam Wineburg will present “Reading Like a Historian and Beyond the Bubble.” The second is now slated for March 21, 2013, when Jeanne Theoharis of Brooklyn College (CUNY) will present The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks.
Have an event to add?
Contact Christina Johnston at cmj@udel.edu.