Alumni Profile
Jessica Rodrigues
Program: Ph.D. Education, Specializations: Learning Sciences and Education, Measurement & Statistics
Year of Completion: 2017
Dissertation Title: Developing a Fractions Screener to Identify Children at Risk for Mathematics Difficulties
Advisor: Dr. Nancy C. Jordan

Current Position
Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of MissouriCurrent Research
Dr. Rodriques’ research interests include mathematics screening for the identification of struggling learners, developing and testing mathematics interventions, and supporting teachers’ mathematics understanding. In particular, her work investigates students’ and teachers’ fraction understanding. She is currently working on manuscripts that investigate teachers’ noticing during classroom fraction instruction and a brief fraction refutation text intervention.
Recent Publications
Rodrigues, J., Jordan, N. C., & Hansen, N. (2019). Identifying fraction measures as screeners of mathematics risk status. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52(6), 480–497.
Barbieri, C. A., Rodrigues, J., Dyson, N., & Jordan, N. C. (2019). Improving fraction understanding in struggling sixth graders: Effects of a number line approach enhanced with cognitive learning principles. Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication.
Hansen, N., Jordan, N. C., & Rodrigues, J. (2017). Identifying persistent learning difficulties in fractions: A longitudinal study of student growth from third through sixth grade.Contemporary Educational Psychology, 50, 45-59.
Rodrigues, J., Dyson, N., Hansen, N., & Jordan, N. C. (2016). Preparing for algebra by building fraction sense. Teaching Exceptional Children, 49(2), 134-141.
Recent Awards/Funding
Dr. Rodriques submitted an internal grant proposal to explore the visual representations that teachers use for fraction instruction in special education and general education and is currently working on a grant proposal for supporting the fraction understanding of students’ who are at risk for mathematics difficulties.
After receiving her doctorate from UD, Dr. Rodriques completed a highly competitive postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Southern California.
Why did you choose to pursue your graduate degree at CEHD? What was it about the university/school that drew you here?
“I pursued my PhD at UD’s SOE because of the opportunity to learn from and work with leaders in the field. I knew I would receive the training required to advance my research skills and to be competitive on the job market. I also fell in love with Newark and the beautiful campus!”
Can you share on positive memory that has stuck with you since you left UD?
“When I was offered the assistant professor position at the University of Missouri, I emailed my UD advisor Nancy Jordan to share the news. She called me later that same day, and she was so thrilled for me! We chatted on the phone for a while, and she gave me great advice for considering the job and moving forward. She continues to support me and to celebrate my successes!”
Updated on December 6, 2019