CEHD Events in January
In January, CEHD is hosting a Graduate Student Open House, colloquia for faculty candidates and nominations for student scholarships and awards.
Graduate Programs Open House
January 17, 2013 , 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
116 Willard Hall Education Building, 16 W. Main St.
Participants will learn about all of the College’s graduate programs including the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership; master of education in Educational Technology; master of education in Exceptional Children and Youth; master of arts in Teaching English as a Second Language; master of arts in teaching math, science or English, and the Ph.D. and masters degrees in Human Development and Family Studies. During the open house, participants will be able to meet faculty and current students and learn about funding opportunities. Refreshments will be served.
Please register by contacting Gail Rys at gailrys@udel.edu or 302-831-1632.
Faculty Candidates
Faculty, staff and graduates students are invited to meet the candidates for the two CEHD Faculty searches – Assistant Professor for Positive Youth Development and Human Services and Assistant/Associate Professor for Program Evaluation, and two colloquia for the DCTE Faculty Scholar for Literacy position. Each candidate will give a presentation highlighting their research.
Colloquia for Positive Youth Development candidates– January 11 and 17
Colloquia for Program Evaluation candidates – January 14 and 25
Colloquia for DCTE Faculty Scholar for Literacy candidates – January 31 and February 4.
Visit our calendar for details.
Award Nominations
Monetary awards and scholarship nominations are currently open for University of Delaware students involved in the field of human development. Although coordinated by the Department of Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS), not all of the awards are limited to HDFS majors.
If you have a commitment to the field of human sexuality and gender studies, demonstrated outstanding service to the local community, are a graduate student with a personal commitment to becoming a strong advocate for children or have a major in HDFS, fashion and apparel studies, nutrition and dietetics, or hotel, restaurant and institutional management, or a minor in HDFS, and who are proud of a paper or poster completed for class, you may qualify for a monetary award.
To learn more, visit the HDFS Awards webpage.