Conference Presentations


Steven Eidelman and Nancy Weiss, National Leadership Consortium for Developmental Disabilities (within HDFS), were featured speakers at a February conference in Ma’aleh Hahamisha, sponsored by Israel Unlimited.

Bahia Trask, chair Human Development & Family Studies, spoke at two sessions of the United Nations Commission for Social Development, providing substantive dialogue on how to advance the UN’s sustainable development goals.  On Feb. 9, the State of Qatar sponsored a panel, where Trask presented “Work-Family Balance, Social Development, and the United Nations 2030 Agenda: The Recognition, Need, and Implementation of Culturally Specific Policies.” On Feb. 11, she discussed, “Strategies for Strengthening Families for Sustainable Social Development.”


Debbie Bain and Wendy Claiser, Center for Disabilities Studies, moderated a panel of UD students at the State of the Art Conference Nov. 12 in Fairfax, VA. Students from UD’s Career and Life Studies Certification program discussed how to develop a successful mentor/mentee relationship in the 2-year program for students with intellectual disabilities.

Staff from the Center for Disabilities Studies presented at the 2015 Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Conference, Nov. 16-18 in Washington, D.C. Debby Boyer and Susan Veenema presented findings on the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills curriculum. Laura Eisenman demonstrated how CDS fosters diverse perspectives on disabilities. Phyillis Guinivan outlined DE’s collaborative efforts to improve emergency preparation and evaluations for people with disabilities, and Eileen Sparling and Jae Chul Lee discussed DE’s creation of a plan to achieve health equity.

Jackie Wilson, director Professional Development Center for Educators, spoke at the Nov. 3 combined National Governors’ Association and Council of Chief State School Officers State Policy Meeting in Washington, D.C.

Bahira Trask, chair Human Development & Family Studies presented during three sessions of the United Nations Expert Group Meeting, Analyzing Sustainable Development Goals. Held in New York Oct. 21-27, Trask participating in panel discussions on Promoting employment and decent work for all, Addressing specific needs of vulnerable social groups – youth, older persons and family and Common strategies for ensuring “no one is left behind” in the implementation of SDGs. 

Coker, D.L, MacArthur, C.A., Farley-Ripple, E., Wen, H., & Jackson, A. (June 2015) An observational study of the nature and variability of first-grade writing instruction in the United States. International Association for Research in L1 Education Conference, Odense, Denmark.

Soslau, E., Gallo-Fox, J. & Scantlebury, K. (March 2015). Using coteaching as a model to reposition and professionally develop cooperating teachers as teacher educators. Paper presentation for the AACTE Annual Meeting.

Richey, K.D., Coker, D.L., & Uribe-Zarain, X. (Feb. 2015). Profiles of beginning writers. Presented at the Pacific Coast Research Conferences, Coronado, CA.


Soslau, E, Gallo-Fox, J. & Scantlebury K. (Sept. 2014). Coteaching and coevaluation in student teaching: Understanding new roles for university supervisors. Paper presentation for the British Educational Research Association Annual Conference in London, UK.

Dagher, Z. & Erduran, S. (2014). Reconceptualizing the nature of science for science education: Why does it matter? Paper presented at the 2nd IHPST Asian Regional Conference in Taipei, Taiwan.

Ritchey, K.D., & Jackson, A. (Oct. 2014). Writing RTI: A review of kindergarten and first grade interventions. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Council of Learning Disabilities, Philadelphia, PA.